Trout Season Begins!!!


Hello Fishing Family,

I have been able to go on eight fishing trips to these lakes:  Silverwood Lake (6), Lake Gregory (1), & Fisherman’s Retreat (1), since my last post.  From all of these trips, I have caught a combined total of eighteen fish:  five Striper, three Largemouth Bass, and ten Trout.

Silverwood Lake (Marina, Miller Canyon, & Vista Point Locations)

At Silverwood Lake Marina one night, I made the hike in to target any fish that would target a jerkbait.  I have caught many fish on jerkbait lures before including:  Bluegill, Crappie, Catfish, Trout, Striper, and Largemouth Bass.  I heard a lot of splashing from fish jumping ten to twenty feet out from shore very often (every 30-45 seconds), and I couldn’t believe all the commotion happening just below the water’s surface causing ripples and splashing on top of it.

I grabbed my rod, tied on a jerkbait lure, and slowly began to pop and reel.  The fish, which turned out to be hungry Stripers, hit my lure very hard.  I ended up catching five Stripers (two pound range) which inspired me to make a short video:  Silverwood Lake Fishing – How to Catch Stripers on Jerkbait Lures.  Honestly, this is such a simple strategy to try if you want to catch some hard pulling Striped Bass.  The night ended very smoothly with all Stripers being caught and released.  Seeing a silhouette of a large cat in the distance about fifty feet away from me, really had me on edge and ready to call it a night.

Another night at the Marina, my plan was to try to catch more Stripers, but I did not get any strikes.  Sometimes, it is just like that.  Not even a strike on the end of my rod to make me feel a bit better that I could not catch anything.  I realized that I could try to fish for a different species like Trout.  I began to try for Trout with a mini jig, and I’m glad I did because I had a few strikes right away, yielding three Trout.  It was a great feeling to catch a Trout, since the last time I caught a Trout at the Marina was a little over five and a half months ago.

I was also able to catch another Trout the next night, but I only had one strike for the night.  It was still a great night to get out and fish with a friend who is also very passionate about fishing.  I captured some footage and created a short video clip below to help you to target Trout.

At Miller Canyon, I had hoped to catch something nice by taking my float tube out for a short session.  The lake seemed calm at first as I arrived and began to get ready, but as I launched out from shore I began to notice the wind picking up!  I figured I could get a few good casts in, and I landed a very small Largemouth Bass on a Nightcrawler.  I did have an additional bite about an hour later kicking around on my tube, but I was too slow to set the hook.  The session on my float tube ended after about two hours, yet I was able to fish parts of the shore as I hiked back to the Marina Area where I parked.  I also made a few casts in the Marina, but I didn’t have any strikes.  My legs were a little sore after getting blown around on my float tube, but overall I had a very good adventure fishing Miller Canyon.

I will admit, for one night session at Silverwood Lake at the Vista Point location, I didn’t even get a bite.  Also, one night session at the Marina, I didn’t get any strikes as well.  In both of these sessions, the skunk was real.

Lake Gregory

I decided to try my luck fishing at Lake Gregory one morning. I had not fished there since the Trout Derby over two months ago.  I did catch one small Trout at the derby, and I wanted to try out a new fishing adventure on not such a crowded day as the derby.  I went to the same area as I fished last time, and in a few casts caught a Trout about the size of my last trip (one pound).  Moving around the lake to a different location within walking distance, also helped me land a Trout in the two pound range.  Both of these fish were landed on floating Nightcrawlers, along with the floating water bobber technique.

If you haven’t been to Lake Gregory, make it a point to stop by and enjoy it, whether fishing or by hiking around on the beautiful walking trails.  I enjoyed all of the scenery, but by also catching a few Trout made it an excellent day.  I landed two very small Largemouth Bass on inflated Nightcrawlers as well.  Check out this video for Trout & Bass catching techniques.

Fisherman’s Retreat

Lastly, I made a trip out to Fisherman’s Retreat in Redlands to fish for Trout.  I met up with a few buddies of mine, and they were able to land three Trout in a short amount of time on Powerbait.  I, on the other hand, was struggling to even get one strike.  Five hours later and still fishing, I had not even had a strike to be exact.  Deciding to change locations and fishing strategies for one last final run was when things started to change.  In thirty minutes, I landed four Trout (one pound each) on a Carolina rig with wacky rigged Power Worms (pink).  Talk about going along with the flow of the day and never giving up.  I honestly have everything in my tackle to always at least catch one Trout, but there are those days when everything that I cast out will not work.  Luckily, I shook the skunk!

I hope your adventures are good if you decide to go out.  Trout season is in full swing with all the local waters of San Bernardino County Regional Parks beginning to stock.  The three lakes I have mentioned in this post all have received Trout stocks as well.  Have fun!