Stay Humble


Hello Fellow Anglers,

I do not have much to share this week, as I was able to land very few fish on several trips to Silverwood Lake (3 total trips).  Two of those trips were to the Vista Point Turnout #1.  On one of those nights, I was able to land a Striper on a jerkbait.  Not much action was going on, as I had one strike for the whole night fishing session (3 hours).

The other night fishing session I spent in this location, I had two strikes.  I was able to land two Stripers with my lucky jerkbait on just those two strikes.  Once again, the bite was amazingly slow.

I spent one-night session fishing with some friends at Vista Point Turnout #2.  In this area, the bite was completely dead for all of us.  The skunk definitely happened that night, as we walked away thinking out loud what we could have done better to at least land one fish.

As I reflect back over the week, I noticed a few things.  One, the lake water level is the highest it’s been since the beginning of the year.  Fishing is usually not good from shore when the water is too high.  Two, the weather has been very hot, causing there to be an overwhelmingly large amounts of algae in most of the coves.  As I think back over these observations, it helps me to realize ways I can catch more fish in my future outings by making changes to the way I am currently fishing.  I definitely see the need to break out and try topwater lures, but also I see the need to find deeper coves to fish.

I was able to fish Lake Skinner for a few hours this week too.  This was actually my first-time fishing at this lake, and I only ventured out there courtesy of an invite from a Striper fisherman.  I was not able to land any fish at this lake, but witnessed some fisherman catching their limit of one-pound Stripers with bait (chicken livers).

Also, I met some very talented fisherman who used kayaks to target larger Striper in the 3 to 4-pound range.  From the shore, I watched them land two one-pound Stripers on very large topwater lures.  They caught several Stripers from their kayaks, and with their catches from shore, they easily got their limits (20 fish total).  I learned from talking to them the Striper in this lake come from the Colorado River.  I will definitely come back with a new game plan to catch fish in Lake Skinner.

Best of luck to you out there, especially when you get the chance to go fishing.