Silverwood Lake Striper & Trout


Hello Fishing Family,

I hope everyone is having a good new year.  I have been feeling a little under the weather, but I have slowly been feeling better with each passing day.  With a busier schedule recently, I’ve only been able to fish at night at Silverwood Lake.

With the colder weather at night, it’s been challenging trying to catch a fish.  On January 6, 2022, I hiked down to the Marina to try to catch a Striper or a Trout.  I tied on a Rat L Trap Lure and within a few casts, I had a nice sized Striper (1 & ½ lb.)  I made many more casts, but then I tried for Trout by tying on a mini jig.  There weren’t any Trout around, or they weren’t interested in what I was casting.  I wrapped up my gear, and I headed back up to the highway.

Five days later, I headed back to the Marina for some night fishing.  I started off with what worked on my last trip, but that yielded no strikes.  Switching to the mini jig I tried the last time and had no strikes, actually was the ticket this time.  It seemed like every other cast I made that night, I had a Trout on.

The Trout action was awesome even though the Trout were very small in size.  The highlight of this night was practicing catch and release on the limit of Trout I caught.  I had recently bought a new net to help me with the catch and release.  I focused on leaving the net in the water, and not touching the Trout with dry hands as I worked to unhook them.

Overall, I believe the fish that I released weren’t harmed in any way.  It is a challenge not to harm them once they are landed.  I know I’m working with stocked Trout which will probably be caught again or succumb to other larger fish in the lake, but there is also such a thing as a holdover Trout which another angler may catch at a later time, as a result of proper catch and release.

Once again, with colder nights, I am only able to fish a maximum of two hours before my hands freeze or the guides on my rod ice up, and I am not able to use my rod/reel.  I really never know what fish I am going to catch when I’m out there, I can only speculate.

So on January 14, 2022, I hiked back to the Marina for a short night fishing session, this time with a friend.  I tried the Rat L Trap Lure for Striper, and tried the mini jigs for Trout for about an hour each, yet I had no strikes.  Knowing that my night fishing sessions are short, I really wanted to try a Tout minnow (1 ½ inch white/chartreuse) to see if the Trout were just being picky, especially since I would be leaving soon.

After a few casts, I finally had a strike which pulled very hard making me believe it was a nice sized Trout.  Upon landing the fish, I realized it was a two pound Striper.  Never before have I landed a Striper on a Trout minnow. I was feeling quite confused, especially since in my mind I was fishing for Trout.  My buddy and I were in a bit of a shock, as we chatted about the catch and hiked back to our cars.

I spent a few hours fishing at Hesperia Lake on January 16, 2022.  I was not able to get any strikes!  Until next time fishing family, have fun on your fishing journeys.

Struck By Lightning Trout


Caught my first Lightning Trout in more than 15 years on a green minnow jig.

Over the past couple of weeks, and at least after the 12th of December the time I posted my last blog, I was probably excited about ending this year.  Wow, I must say we have been through a lot of challenges throughout this year, and we still have endured.

Fishing this year has come as a blast.  I mean, I caught so many fish this year that I honestly could have never imagined.  Yes, it’s been that good.  A year filled with Largemouth Bass catch after Largemouth Bass catch to Striped Bass catch, Catfish, Crappie, and Trout strikes.  Yep, the only fish I didn’t catch this year was a Carp.  I’ve seen the down side of what a year can bring too.  But what a year it has been, especially for fishing in general.

Silverwood Lake Marina

One chilly night at Silverwood Lake Marina area, I was able to land two Sripers off of a good old Rat L Trap Lure.  At first, I thought maybe I was going to have just one lucky bite, but no, the next strike I experienced solidified the fishing technique I have been using.  It took about twenty casts each time I caught one to get one Striper interested.

Trying for Trout was a different story, I was able to land four small Trout all well under a pound in about ten casts.  It started to make me rethink where I want to fish for the remainder of the year, especially for Trout.  I was sold on catching a Lightning Trout right when I heard the local lakes (Hesperia Lake, and Mojave Narrows Regional Park) would be stocking with that species of Trout. The Trout at Silverwood Lake have been all relatively small, and the ones I have caught have weighed in under one pound. Below, is a quick 15 second YouTube Short video I have shared to show what is working for Striper right now.

Mojave Narrows Regional Park (Horseshoe and Pelican Lake).

Traveling to Mojave Narrows to try and catch larger Trout helped me realize a thing or two.  I do not know half of what it takes to slay big Trout, as I witnessed that day of fishing with other anglers.  At first, I had caught one fish while fishing in a creek that day, but I was just messing around when it happened.  Next, I ran into another angler who showed me some minnows, and who also provided me with some.  Obviously, this angler knew what he was talking about as each Trout caught by him that day ended up being over three pounds.  What are the odds of that happening?  I was curious, so I asked him “Do you by chance have any minnows I could try?”  He gave me two different types, but all of the minnows looked about the same.

I grabbed a minnow and used a jig head to hook the minnow through.  Several casts produced not a thing, but helped me produce a steady slow retrieve.  As I pondered whether the minnow would work, this easily had my mind thinking maybe, maybe not..  Then, wham, there was a Lightning Trout on the end of my rod.  Oh, so the Trout wanted the minnow and had not even thought of swimming around it!

Ten casts later, my next strike produced a six pound Trout.  The two pound test line was strong in landing the big Trout, but held both of the Trout steadily.  I learned about the minnow that day, and how to fish it to be successful.  Meeting up another time a few days later at Mojave Narrows, I was able to fish and land another small Trout on a minnow at Pelican Lake.

Hesperia Lake

So far, my quest to catch larger Trout came true by fishing at Mojave Narrows.  It had been a fun experience thus far, so on another day, I decided to try another local lake, Hesperia Lake.  Man, this year, everytime I mentioned this lake or was around it just brought back all kinds of memories of when I fished it growing up.

There’s so many memories that I have of this lake.  One time in 1999, I won first place in a Trout Derby fishing with a Banjo Minnow Jig.  To make a long story short, on this day of fishing (December 22, 2021) I thought I was unstoppable at catching Trout. I was just trying to psych myself out. When I casted out a few times, I caught what no angler wants to happen.  I foul hooked some kind of Carp, and it seemed a lethargic one at best.  It didn’t put up any fight either, kind of like reeling in an old plastic bag.

Soon after though, surprisingly my rod or should I say my reel was peeling drag super hard on a drop shot power worm.  Honestly, it has been a long drought on my ability to catch Trout over five pounds.  Those two Trout, definitely helped me realize that I can catch larger Trout, but to do that I must fish where lakes are stocking larger Trout.

Final Thoughts from Reel Time With Timm

I met an angler who had caught an eleven pound Trout.  He let me know he watched my videos, and he basically just loves fishing.  I was surprisingly happy to learn he’s catching very nice Trout.  It felt good to know that I can have a positive impact on others.

The minnow jigs and their ability to slay was put on a display.  At the end of the day, the minnows were key in landing some quality Trout.  The Power worms proved to be key as well.  Remember, always keep your options open and be willing to try drop shot, or jigging when you are trying to figure out what the fish want.  You just never know what you’re going to get.

I take away with me into the new year something I learned on YouTube.  One of my followers mentioned seeing a cleaner release on Trout because of their inability to survive when not taking proper precaution to properly catch and release them.  He was so right in that I need to work on it.  As I thought about it, I realized that I can do more and rise to a high expectation of helping the future of fishing.

This year started off one particular way, and really changed for me.  One thing I will always remember and hold true to is helping others, but learning along the way as well.  I helped a friend get back on the lake when something so unimaginable was going on in his personal life, it could have ruined him. By him having a friend to share with, I know it helped him turn his life around in the end.  I fished with many people and made many friends, shared a moment or two with them, and possibly made a YouTube video out of one or some of those experiences. All to just somehow influenced someone to try something new in this thing we all call fishing because they subscribed to me/followed me on my fishing journey.

To all my fishing friends, and to my YouTube Subscribers, thank you so much for all the support and understanding you gave even when we didn’t see eye to eye.  I know I have put myself out there by standing there for my channel.  It’s easy to judge someone, especially someone who puts what they’re all about in videos for others to critique, or maybe to just inspire them to always try.  Good luck to all of you out there in what the New Year brings. Have fun on your fishing adventures!

Fishing Fascination!


Hello Fishing Family!

Over the past three weeks, I have been able to go fishing six times.  Out of those six sessions, five were spent fishing at Silverwood Lake (3 night sessions & 2 day sessions).  One of the six  sessions was spent fishing at Mojave Narrows Regional Park at Pelican Lake.  I landed a total of twenty-four fish altogether (17 Trout, 1 Largemouth Bass, & 6 Striper), all of which were released.

Silverwood Lake Sessions

At the Marina, usually when the gates are shut down for the day, my adventure is just beginning.  Just so we are clear, night fishing is allowed at Silverwood Lake if you park on Highway 138.  Making a short hike down to the shore is not too bad of a hike, but will get you to where you can fish for free as long as you possess a valid California Fishing License.  Remember, bring a head lamp and pack lightly if you decide to go.

The Trout on one of these nights were going for a mini jig without hesitation.  As soon as it hit the water, I had another one.  One of my buddies, who I was also fishing with on this night, got on his first Trout ever by using the jig I gave him which I purchased at the Silverwood Lake Marina Store earlier during the week (Trout Teasers).

We both happened to catch eight Trout each, and with the temperatures dropping pretty consistently into the late night, we had to leave the fish biting.  It does get very cold out there fishing in the months of late November and December, but another reason I wanted to leave was because I saw a Bobcat.  While I’m fishing, I regularly spot him near the fish cleaning station, but my buddy and I both felt pretty safe as it was at least 75-100 feet away from us.

Coming back to fish the Marina during the day was a fun experience.  I linked up with one of my old students to catch some Trout.  He got one on some Powerbait, although he tried many different set ups throughout the day to catch one.  Perseverance and determination do pay off!  I knew the Trout were set on mini jigs, as they were the night before.  I was able to land two Trout and one very small Largemouth Bass.  It was definitely a good day for us.

It had been almost two weeks from my first night fishing session, since I hiked back to the Marina.  This time though, I was on a solo trip.  I have been wanting to catch Striper, but they were either well fed from all the baitfish options swimming around in the Marina area, or just tired of seeing my lure.  I tried and tried to no avail.  I then targeted Trout with a mini jig, and “Got ‘em!”  The night ended with a Trout limit!

Let me tell you again, “I love fishing Silverwood Lake!”  I was itching to catch a Striper, so I found myself back at the Marina a few nights later.  At that point, I had not caught a Striper in over a month or even had a strike from one.  It was definitely time for me to try something else, and I remember my buddy catching one a few weeks back on a lure I thought I would tie on my line first (Rat L Trap Lure).  Not even five casts in, I felt a small familiar tap on the end of my rod, and “Bam!”  The Striper I landed was near two and a half pounds, and the action didn’t stop there.  Twenty to thirty casts later, I landed another Striper weighing in at one and a half pounds.

My latest trip to Silverwood took place this weekend.  I knew I wanted to fish on Saturday morning, but preferred not to have to get up very early and wait in line to get lake access.  I was up early that day, but I really wanted to fish at Silverwood Lake Miller Canyon during the day.  When I pulled up, believe it or not, there was no one in line at 9 AM!

Making a hike into Miller Canyon from the Marina with a float tube and the rest of my fishing gear can wreck my body.  As I hiked, I kept signing to myself this old school verse, “I workout!”  just to make it to a nice spot in the canyon.

The first hour floating around yielded nothing, as do most trips.  The couple of hours after that were very exciting.  Using inflated Nightcrawlers as bait, I was able to land four very nice sized (2 Pound) Stripers. The sound of my drag peeling is still ringing in my ears a day later.  It was a really good day filled with awesome adventure.

Now, I realize why I haven’t caught many Stripers fishing the top of the water column and just below it.  The fish are on the very bottom.  I definitely need to keep trying different techniques to get on fish.  Locating fish on a lake is something I see as very challenging, but it’s probably the reason why I love fishing so much!

Mojave Narrows Regional Park Pelican Lake

I caught two Trout at Pelican Lake, but it definitely took me all day to figure out.  Good luck to you if you decide to go.  I know the trick for me was a Carolina Rig with Corn Powerbait (1 foot leader).  I know an angler who nailed an eleven and half pound Trout from Pelican Lake fishing with Powerbait.  Nice Job Allen!

Good luck out there and stay safe fishing family, if you decide to go fishing!  I hope you all have happy holidays! Also, please be sure to comment on any of these videos to be entered into my 200 Subscribers YouTube giveaway! Let’s go!!!

Trout Season Begins!!!


Hello Fishing Family,

I have been able to go on eight fishing trips to these lakes:  Silverwood Lake (6), Lake Gregory (1), & Fisherman’s Retreat (1), since my last post.  From all of these trips, I have caught a combined total of eighteen fish:  five Striper, three Largemouth Bass, and ten Trout.

Silverwood Lake (Marina, Miller Canyon, & Vista Point Locations)

At Silverwood Lake Marina one night, I made the hike in to target any fish that would target a jerkbait.  I have caught many fish on jerkbait lures before including:  Bluegill, Crappie, Catfish, Trout, Striper, and Largemouth Bass.  I heard a lot of splashing from fish jumping ten to twenty feet out from shore very often (every 30-45 seconds), and I couldn’t believe all the commotion happening just below the water’s surface causing ripples and splashing on top of it.

I grabbed my rod, tied on a jerkbait lure, and slowly began to pop and reel.  The fish, which turned out to be hungry Stripers, hit my lure very hard.  I ended up catching five Stripers (two pound range) which inspired me to make a short video:  Silverwood Lake Fishing – How to Catch Stripers on Jerkbait Lures.  Honestly, this is such a simple strategy to try if you want to catch some hard pulling Striped Bass.  The night ended very smoothly with all Stripers being caught and released.  Seeing a silhouette of a large cat in the distance about fifty feet away from me, really had me on edge and ready to call it a night.

Another night at the Marina, my plan was to try to catch more Stripers, but I did not get any strikes.  Sometimes, it is just like that.  Not even a strike on the end of my rod to make me feel a bit better that I could not catch anything.  I realized that I could try to fish for a different species like Trout.  I began to try for Trout with a mini jig, and I’m glad I did because I had a few strikes right away, yielding three Trout.  It was a great feeling to catch a Trout, since the last time I caught a Trout at the Marina was a little over five and a half months ago.

I was also able to catch another Trout the next night, but I only had one strike for the night.  It was still a great night to get out and fish with a friend who is also very passionate about fishing.  I captured some footage and created a short video clip below to help you to target Trout.

At Miller Canyon, I had hoped to catch something nice by taking my float tube out for a short session.  The lake seemed calm at first as I arrived and began to get ready, but as I launched out from shore I began to notice the wind picking up!  I figured I could get a few good casts in, and I landed a very small Largemouth Bass on a Nightcrawler.  I did have an additional bite about an hour later kicking around on my tube, but I was too slow to set the hook.  The session on my float tube ended after about two hours, yet I was able to fish parts of the shore as I hiked back to the Marina Area where I parked.  I also made a few casts in the Marina, but I didn’t have any strikes.  My legs were a little sore after getting blown around on my float tube, but overall I had a very good adventure fishing Miller Canyon.

I will admit, for one night session at Silverwood Lake at the Vista Point location, I didn’t even get a bite.  Also, one night session at the Marina, I didn’t get any strikes as well.  In both of these sessions, the skunk was real.

Lake Gregory

I decided to try my luck fishing at Lake Gregory one morning. I had not fished there since the Trout Derby over two months ago.  I did catch one small Trout at the derby, and I wanted to try out a new fishing adventure on not such a crowded day as the derby.  I went to the same area as I fished last time, and in a few casts caught a Trout about the size of my last trip (one pound).  Moving around the lake to a different location within walking distance, also helped me land a Trout in the two pound range.  Both of these fish were landed on floating Nightcrawlers, along with the floating water bobber technique.

If you haven’t been to Lake Gregory, make it a point to stop by and enjoy it, whether fishing or by hiking around on the beautiful walking trails.  I enjoyed all of the scenery, but by also catching a few Trout made it an excellent day.  I landed two very small Largemouth Bass on inflated Nightcrawlers as well.  Check out this video for Trout & Bass catching techniques.

Fisherman’s Retreat

Lastly, I made a trip out to Fisherman’s Retreat in Redlands to fish for Trout.  I met up with a few buddies of mine, and they were able to land three Trout in a short amount of time on Powerbait.  I, on the other hand, was struggling to even get one strike.  Five hours later and still fishing, I had not even had a strike to be exact.  Deciding to change locations and fishing strategies for one last final run was when things started to change.  In thirty minutes, I landed four Trout (one pound each) on a Carolina rig with wacky rigged Power Worms (pink).  Talk about going along with the flow of the day and never giving up.  I honestly have everything in my tackle to always at least catch one Trout, but there are those days when everything that I cast out will not work.  Luckily, I shook the skunk!

I hope your adventures are good if you decide to go out.  Trout season is in full swing with all the local waters of San Bernardino County Regional Parks beginning to stock.  The three lakes I have mentioned in this post all have received Trout stocks as well.  Have fun!

Off The Hook!!


Hello Fishing Family!

I hope you are all doing well, as I am doing pretty good.  I have had to get through some pretty tough challenges lately.  Fishing is not only my passion, but a way for me to escape from some of the chaos occurring in our world.

In the past couple of weeks, I have only been fishing at Silverwood Lake (4 sessions).  Two of those fishing sessions were spent alone, but the other two were with anglers I have fished with over the last year.  I do appreciate their company, as fishing is not about catching, but the memories created from our experiences.

Catching fish is always fun though too, and landing fish on the shore has me always wanting to get back to the lake for another fishing session whether it be during the day or night.

One night while fishing near the Marina, I kept seeing several boats on the water.  There was a Park Ranger on a boat which doesn’t surprise me, but also another larger pontoon boat which stayed out longer on the water.  Up until this point, I had been fishing for about an hour with not even a single strike on my rod.  I watched the Park Rangers tie up their boat, and leave for the night.

I decided to switch locations, and within the next hour I was able to catch three Stripers on a jerk bait.  Starting the night fishing with a jerk bait and not even getting a strike, and then switching up to casting out a jig headed fluke didn’t even produce a strike either.  Moving locations to a new area had me thinking I should try a jerk bait lure again.  And this time it worked, within the hour I was able to land three Striper all weighing above a pound (the largest weighing 1 lb. & ¾ ounce).

As I wrapped up my session, I noticed the large pontoon boat pulling up near me.  The people on the boat were surveying the fish population which was definitely new information to me.  We briefly chatted, they helped me retrieve a jerk bait lure I had lost on a bad cast, and they took off as they wished me luck.  I wrapped up and left soon after that experience.

One night from the Vista Point location, I had a pleasant time fishing with an angler I haven’t fished with in about a year.  He brought some anglers out to try night fishing.  We linked up in the parking lot and hiked down to shore, and we made a long trek along the shore to a good spot.  Within about twenty minutes, I was able to get a strike.  The fish was landed (a 1 lb. Striper), quickly photographed, and released.  This night was very slow in terms of action, so we hiked back out and casted along the way.

In one of the coves, I felt a small tug on the tip of my rod, I immediately thought I was stuck on something, but it was a small Catfish.  I was a bit surprised as the last Catfish I caught was on cut bait, yet this Catfish wanted my jerk bait lure.  I had to pack up and leave, and I left the other anglers to fish a few more hours into the night.

Meeting up another night with a different angler I haven’t fished with since June at the Vista Point location, almost turned into a skunk fest-meaning no fish landed.  We both kept casting and casting, and trying all kinds of lures and nothing.  Every thirty seconds, we could hear splashing off in the distance, and fish jumping everywhere.  Neither one of us could get a strike on our rods.

As my buddy called it for the night, I was encouraged to stay at least another hour to see if I could figure it out.

I heard a lot of splashing in a cove to the right of me and jogged over to that area.  The cast I made nearly missed the shore, as I was on a point and casted diagonal towards the shore, but I felt a thump on my rod tip which was new to me on this night because of not having any strikes.  I totally missed the strike! I casting out again in the same spot, and my rod was bent instantly.  After landing the fish, I noticed it was a Striper and a bit larger than most of the Striper I have been catching.  It weighed out at a solid three pounds.  Casting out more, got me on two more strikes of which I landed two more schoolie sized Striper (1-1 ½ lbs.).

From the way the fishing started to the way it ended, I was stoked.  I finally fooled a larger Striper into taking my jerk bait.  Lately, I have been catching a bunch of smaller Striper.  Unfortunately, the larger Striper choked my lure very deep into its mouth, so I donated it to a friend of a friend for food.

My last fishing session was off the hook!  I arrived at the Marina for a short night fishing session.  The same splashing I heard at Vista Point the night before, was going off in the Marina.  I was curious as to what it could be.  I first thought maybe some carp just jumping around. But as it kept up for a while, I figured it could probably be some hungry Striper.  I tied on my favorite jerk bait lure, and ended the session with a total of 5 Striper landed.  What a night of fishing!

Overall, for my 4 fishing sessions I landed a total of 13 fish: 1 Catfish, & 12 Striper. All of the fish were caught and released, except for the one Striper that inhaled my jerkbait deep into its mouth causing it to bleed out a lot.

These are my latest YouTube Videos from Silverwood Lake. Check it out!

Comment on this video to be included in my first give away for a Bass Kit Lure!!! I was fishing in the Marina.
This is a video of my experience at Vista Point! Enjoy!

Fishing Is My Passion!


Hello Fishing Family!

It’s been well over three weeks, since I have written my blog.  I have really been enjoying my Fall Break (one week off during the month of October), but I wanted to keep you posted on my fishing adventures.  In my last blog, I posted my Castaic Lake Fishing Adventure, but I did not include much details about the trip until now.

Castaic Lake

At Castaic Lake, I fished the large lake which is located above the bottom lake (Castaic Lagoon).  Basically, I know nothing about how to fish this lake, yet I wanted to because of the fishing challenge it presents.  I mean, where do you fish when you want to catch a fish on a huge lake, or what types of lures/baits will even produce a strike were just some of the thoughts flowing through my mind.

As I parked near the main launch ramp, I really didn’t know where to go.  I figured I would try my luck off of the Castaic Dam.  There is a large tower located on the dam approximately one mile away from the main ramp where I decided to walk to and begin to fish.  I tied on jerk baits immediately, as they are my go-to anytime I am on a lake which have large populations of Striper, Largemouth Bass, as well as Smallmouth Bass.  For approximately two hours, I casted in various locations along the shore in that area without even the slightest strike.  It was then that I decided to not only switch locations, but also to switch to a new lure.

I packed up and started walking back to the main launch ramp, and I stopped about a ½ mile from the ramp.  I decided to try a relatively new lure I have been fishing with lately (Keitech Easy Shiner) which is basically a Fluke Jr. fished on a small jig head (1/8 ounce).  On my very first cast about twenty feet out, I felt a very small strike.  At that moment, I pulled my rod tip back to set the hook.  The fish was on, and after a short fight I landed a nice sized Largemouth Bass just under two pounds.

To my surprise, I met another angler who was fishing in the area.  He stated, “That was your first cast!”  I let him know that I had casted jerk baits until my arms almost fell off a few hours before.  We proceeded to chat, and he shared what he was using to slay the bass at Castaic (Ned Rig).  A Ned Rig is something I’m not too familiar with (he provided me with one to try), and in response I offered him a jig headed Keitech Easy Shiner which was new to him. As I headed out, I felt extremely good to have caught my first bass from a lake that I’ve only fished two times.  It also felt good to have met a new angler.  Castaic Lake is ninety-two miles away from where I reside, and that’s probably the reason why I don’t frequent the lake too much.

Silverwood Lake

At Silverwood Lake one night, I was able to land three Stripers on jerk bait lures fishing in the Marina area.  All of the fish were schoolie sized (1 & ½ pounds).

At Silverwood Lake (Miller Canyon area) one morning about a week later, I was able to link up with another angler and spend some time fishing a morning session.  Just before the trip, I was very excited in the thought of fishing during the morning, so in my excitement I started prepping my float tube.  I had not fished in my float tube in over three years!

Once we got there, I was able to land only one fish using Night Crawlers on a Carolina Rig.  While I was out on the water, I kept remembering the times I spent with my father fishing in Miller Canyon.  It was definitely a very pleasant time kicking around on the calm waters. Thanks Dad!

Colorado River

My Fall Break started off with a family trip to the Colorado River.  We stayed in our Trailor at a place called Emerald Cove which is located on the California side of the river.  Just across the river on the other side is Parker, Arizona.  We were only a few feet from the river, so it was a blast just hanging out and participating in fun water activities:  kayaking, crawdad catching, boating, fishing, swimming, etc. This trip was actually my second time staying at the same spot on the Colorado River.

I knew there would be times when I could fish throughout the two days my family and I would be there, so I wasn’t in too much of a rush to fish.  I tried fishing from my very basic kayak, and had at least two strikes both of which I did not land.  Fishing from shore one time, I had one strike which I happened to land.  It was a Smallmouth Bass (one pound), and it was landed on a jerk bait lure.  I only landed one fish for this trip, but I still had a really good time with my family. My daughter and cousins caught some crawdads, and I went ahead and cooked them up so we could all try them for the first time.  The crawdads (mud bugs) were actually very delicious.

Lake Perris

My latest fishing trip was to Lake Perris.  This lake was also a first for me, and for this trip I brought my float tube.  It’s such a big lake and without much knowledge about it, I knew it would be challenging.  When it comes to catching a fish there, it actually felt like finding a needle in a haystack.  I kept it simple, and I fished in lot 11 and 12.  I used a Carolina Rig with a Nightcrawler.  I was able to land a very small bass, but at least I avoided the “skunk.”  I’ll have to go there again to try for larger fish which I see anglers pulling out all the time.

Shout out to my fishing family.  I hit 100 subscribers on You Tube just the other day.  One of my very small goals when I started my You Tube Channel consistently since July 2021 was to try for 100 subscribers.  I will definitely be doing a small give away (bass lure kit) of some of the lures I use to catch bass.  Look for more information to come on my You Tube Channel.

Enjoy your week, and plan some time for adventure.  We all need it, as sometimes we need to get away from all the craziness being thrown at us on a daily.  Fish on! Below are some of my latest videos, enjoy!!!

Crappie Action :)


The night fishing at Silverwood Lake always starts off with a nice hike down to the shore.  I usually arrive there about seven or eight o’clock with an intent to fish for about two to three hours.  Although the night fishing sessions are a short amount of time, I am able to toss my worries for the day away with each cast I make.

I will admit, one night out on the lake I made over one hundred casts with my favorite jerk bait lures and walked away empty handed.  There was a lot of fish jumping/splashing especially very close to shore, but I didn’t have any strikes.  The time I fished before this outcome was one to remember.

It all started when I tied on a jerk bait lure and used a slow retrieve.  My first cast that I made was not very good at all.  As I reeled the lure in slowly, I felt a small tap on the end of my rod which turned out to be a very nice sized Crappie (1.14 lbs.).  Making several more casts in that area, I was able to put two more Stripers on shore.  This night of fishing was a very good experience, since I didn’t catch anything a couple of nights before.

1.14 lb. Crappie

Most of the time, I’m catch and release, but there are times when anglers I’m fishing with ask for the fish I catch.  I don’t have a problem with it, as long as they eat if for food.  This night session was a very good one, as I had some very nice strikes.  I met some really cool people who I shared my YouTube Channel with, and noticed them catching some quality sized Catfish.  I hiked back to my car parked up on Highway 138 right after I met them.

Coming back to Silverwood a few days later, I went to the same spot where I caught the Crappie and Stripers as the last time.  Tying on a jerk bait lure was all that was on my mind.  Again, I had no strikes.  As I packed up to leave the area I was fishing in, I walked near the spot where I met those other anglers I mentioned earlier.  There just so happened to be an angler fishing who I ran into a few nights ago.

It was close to closing time at the lake (9 PM), and the angler had already caught one five-pound Catfish fly lining cut bait (Mackerel).  I just happened to want to fish with bait, as my jerk bait lures were not providing me with any luck.  The angler offered the cut bait he had, and I caught a five-pound Catfish in about twenty minutes.

It was very nice action considering I wasn’t catching anything that night, until I saw the angler.  On the next cast, I hit another Catfish a tad bit larger (6 pounds).  The angler wanted the Catfish for dinner, so he bagged them up.  He walked away with over fifteen pounds of catfish nuggets, or whatever he was going to serve his family.

Right before leaving the lake, I decided to tie on a jig headed Fluke.  It only took about ten casts, but in no time, I was on two one-pound Stripers.  Popping the jig-headed Flukes off the bottom was the key.  The Stripers inhaled the flukes, and they were easily hooked and landed.  The Stripers were released as quickly as they were landed.

I noticed the Lake Patrol driving by and I waved a hello to them.  They might not have noticed me as they drove by, as there was no signal from them indicating my existence.  I know that fishing is allowed all night with a valid fishing license, so I continued on my way.  I packed up, and I proceeded to hike back up the trail I came down.

Overall, my experiences at Silverwood Lake over the past two weeks were pretty good.  Out of three trips, I was able to land on two of the nights.  I caught seven fish total (2 Catfish, 1 Crappie, & 4 Striper).  I used three different baits/lures to catch these fish (jerk baits, jig-headed Flukes, & cut Mackerel).  I honestly haven’t used cut bait in such a long time, as I have strictly relied on lures, but I now see where it can be very beneficial.

My YouTube Channel has been having a lot of success in the past couple months.  I think this is because I have been more consistent with uploading content (one video a week).  It is a lot for me, especially working a full-time job.  I feel very blessed to be doing both, but honestly feel good to help people get out there and catch.  If you have commented on my videos, thank you and have a wonderful week!  Check out my latest Silverwood Lake videos, and my bonus catch at Castaic Lake!

Trout Fishing Adventures


Welcome Back Anglers!

I love the sound of the word anglers, sounds something like awesome fisherman.  I would love to fish five days a week, but honestly, I always enjoy any day on the lake fishing for a few hours.  Find the best tips and strategies to catch fish from week to week right here.

I have completed my first catch and cook video after catching a Trout from Lake Gregory.  This will be a special moment, as I have not eaten Trout in sometime.  The funny thing is my daughter loves Trout, so I know who is getting the most.

A week ago, I drove to Big Bear Lake to fish for Trout.  I knew the North Shore was where I would be, somewhere near a red cabin.  It’s funny how I mention North Shore to other fisherman, and they tell me “Oh, by the red cabin.”  Knowledge is power, so best of luck to all you fishermen out there.

The water bobber tied to a swivel with a two-foot leader had the day started off right with a one-pound Trout on the North Shore.  It went right for the power bait (green), as it floated various depths of the water column.  The bite started hot and ended shortly afterwards.  I caught two more Trout the same day, but it definitely took some time to catch.

With the weather being so hot, I knew somewhere like Big Bear was an ideal spot to fish.  Believe me it’s still hot, but the mountains are a little cooler than the deserts.  I wanted to fish either Green Valley Lake, Jenks Lake, or Lake Gregory this weekend, but selected the Trout Derby at Lake Gregory on Saturday.  The weather was similar to Big Bear, and I remembered that the bite started slightly earlier, rather than late which gave me a small advantage for the new day.  The lake was so crowded with shore anglers, kayaks, small motorized boats, as well as float tubers all whizzing by in multiple directions.  I guess you could say, “We were all in search of some stocker Trout.”  The Trout that got stocked usually take about a few days to get acclimated with their new environment.  On this particular day, the bite was rather slow as the Trout only had one day.

The challenge before me was real, but I was totally up for it.  Before we proceed, I must let you know that I haven’t fished Lake Gregory for over ten years.  The last time I fished at Lake Gregory, I walked away without catching any.   I was stoked to have landed one at this derby.  Basically, all because of consistently using the Water Bobber Strategy.  I kept switching from Power Bait to Night Crawlers on a water bobber, until my line tightened.  The Night Crawlers not only landed the Trout, but I also caught four small Largemouth Bass which were fun to catch, but not eligible for the derby.

Being that I landed one Trout, I was able to weigh in.  There really wasn’t a lot of Trout landed this day which I knew, so I weighed it in.  The Trout was 14.5 inches in length.  I was at least 3.5 inches from 3rd place, but not too shabby.  Maybe next time, I’ll break out my float tube and try to fish out on the lake.  There wasn’t too much room on the shore when I arrived, and I was barely fortunate enough to squeeze into a tight spot.

I caught a total of four Trout fishing two times over the past two weeks in the mountains.  It’s been fun trying these spots, and it’s been exciting catching on my trips.

Shout out to Ken East for making me a homemade swimbait to catch bass on Lake Silverwood.  The swimbait is a foot long, and no it’s not a Subway Sandwich.  I received the package last week, and was not only blown away by this man’s generosity, but the overall quality and appearance of the lure.  Beautiful work, thank you!

  Check out my Big Bear Lake trip where I relied on the Water Bobber Strategy, as well as my Lake Gregory Trout Fishing Derby experience.

Striper Dreaming, Again!!


Hello anglers, or maybe you don’t consider yourself a fisherman just yet.  Well, you’re in the right spot to learn about all the hottest tips and tricks to put fish in the net.  I personally don’t use a net, but I prefer to beach my catches right on the shore.  Read on for more adventures.

YouTube has been a blast.  I actually enjoy making fun videos about fishing to help others catch more fish.  Shout out to everyone who I know that makes this possible!

I am now slowing down my fishing experiences and relying maybe fishing two short sessions a week.  If I fish on one day on the weekend, it will definitely give me a few more hours to fish on that day.

Just recently, I made a special trip out to Quail Lake in Lancaster.  The fishing challenge was real, a quite humbling experience to say the least.  I haven’t caught a real fish at that lake just yet, only two dinks.  Challenge accepted…  Might I remind you adventure is in my blood, boiling over with extreme passion to run out and grab a rod.  Of course, the drive there was a good distance away, but the experience was priceless none the less.

Another time fishing at Silverwood Lake, I got skunked.  I made as many casts out as I could that night, but nothing at all.  I did meet a really cool individual who makes his own swimbaits to catch large Striper.  Wow, what a pleasure it was hearing how he caught a 30 Pound Striper on his homemade lure.  He definitely made me feel like my 17 Pound Striper wasn’t good enough, but I’ll survive.  I will be purchasing some of his lures as I was impressed with their swimming action.

A key point to remember is to remind yourself that Silverwood Lake was once drained down to a very low point basically reducing the number of fish in the lake, especially the larger fish.  The bass population took a hit, but since that time the lake’s water level has been relatively stable/normal.

My point, there’s still big Striper to be caught.  Another good point is to step up your options:  buy a new fishing rod/reel to get on big Striper, invest in some imitation trout lures (swimbaits), or to continue to keep doing what is working right now.

Remembering the day I got skunked help me to focus on my next fishing trip.  Pushing for another day of fishing landed me right back at Silverwood Lake.  Right back in the same spot as last, which produced not even a nibble the night before.  Was I just straight out of my mind?

Anyways, I only caught one Striper for the night using both jerkbait lures, and jig headed flukes.  The only strikes I had was when I was using the jig headed flukes.  I missed two fish right before landing that one Striper.  I think the missed strikes were because the fish didn’t have much of the jig headed fluke in their mouths, before I pulled to try and set the hook.

Check out my adventure to Quail Lake in Lancaster, or my latest video called Silverwood Lake Fishing – One Night From Shore #2 on my YouTube (Reel Time With Timm).  Until next time, fish on!

Fantastic Fishing Firsts


Two weeks ago, I was able to do some shore fishing in Long Beach.  This was actually the first time I have fished from the shore in this area, and I only went because I was invited by a friend who occasionally fishes Silverwood Lake with me and he knows his way around Long Beach.

Within thirty minutes of arriving at the shore fishing spot near Long Beach, I landed two five-pound Bat Rays using strips of squid as bait.  Honestly, the night fishing session was going great in terms of catching/action, but I knew what I really wanted to catch.  I wanted to catch a bass from shore.  I told my buddy about it, so he offered to take me to a new spot about ten minutes from the spot we were in to try and catch bass.  We packed up our fishing things, and we drove to a new spot.

Once we parked our cars in the new location, I noticed that we walked about two miles after we parked to get to where we would be fishing.  Immediately, I tied on a jerkbait lure to my line and casted out a few times.  I continued to cast and knew to be strategic with my cast by standing in one area and casting out diagonally, as well as straight out.  After about ten casts of my pole, I felt a strike on the tip of my rod and I gave a tug.  I landed a Spotted Bay Bass which was a first for me.  The Bat Rays were also firsts for me, I kept feeling luckier and luckier by the minute.  This trip was so much fun!

My other four fishing trips were night fishing sessions at Silverwood Lake.  On two of the trips, I was not able to catch a fish or even get a bite.  I was a bit frustrated because the fishing has been very slow, and I was struggling to get any strikes on my rods.  In other words, what I have been using has not been working so much.  On my third trip out, I finally landed a Striper on a top water lure.  This catch was my first of the year catching on a top water lure.  The normal lures I use to catch fish have not been producing, so I have been pushing myself to try new fishing techniques.

The last trip I made out to Lake Silverwood was the best one out of all of my four trips out there.  I decided to use top water lures, and to also tie on jerkbaits.  The jerkbait lures were key, as I landed three small Stripers.  These fish were very small, but they were super fun to catch.

I loved fishing from the shore in Long Beach, and I am thankful for the chance to get out that way being from the High Desert.  With the hotter weather lately, the fishing has gotten more challenging and has me trying new fishing techniques to catch fish.  You can check out my latest fishing adventures on YouTube.  These are a few of my latest videos:  Long Beach Shore Fishing, Silverwood Lake Fishing with Rat L Trap Lures, & Silverwood Lake Fishing – One Night From Shore.

Best of luck to all of you out there on your fishing adventures!

Silverwood Lake Fishing – One Night From Shore