Crappie Action :)


The night fishing at Silverwood Lake always starts off with a nice hike down to the shore.  I usually arrive there about seven or eight o’clock with an intent to fish for about two to three hours.  Although the night fishing sessions are a short amount of time, I am able to toss my worries for the day away with each cast I make.

I will admit, one night out on the lake I made over one hundred casts with my favorite jerk bait lures and walked away empty handed.  There was a lot of fish jumping/splashing especially very close to shore, but I didn’t have any strikes.  The time I fished before this outcome was one to remember.

It all started when I tied on a jerk bait lure and used a slow retrieve.  My first cast that I made was not very good at all.  As I reeled the lure in slowly, I felt a small tap on the end of my rod which turned out to be a very nice sized Crappie (1.14 lbs.).  Making several more casts in that area, I was able to put two more Stripers on shore.  This night of fishing was a very good experience, since I didn’t catch anything a couple of nights before.

1.14 lb. Crappie

Most of the time, I’m catch and release, but there are times when anglers I’m fishing with ask for the fish I catch.  I don’t have a problem with it, as long as they eat if for food.  This night session was a very good one, as I had some very nice strikes.  I met some really cool people who I shared my YouTube Channel with, and noticed them catching some quality sized Catfish.  I hiked back to my car parked up on Highway 138 right after I met them.

Coming back to Silverwood a few days later, I went to the same spot where I caught the Crappie and Stripers as the last time.  Tying on a jerk bait lure was all that was on my mind.  Again, I had no strikes.  As I packed up to leave the area I was fishing in, I walked near the spot where I met those other anglers I mentioned earlier.  There just so happened to be an angler fishing who I ran into a few nights ago.

It was close to closing time at the lake (9 PM), and the angler had already caught one five-pound Catfish fly lining cut bait (Mackerel).  I just happened to want to fish with bait, as my jerk bait lures were not providing me with any luck.  The angler offered the cut bait he had, and I caught a five-pound Catfish in about twenty minutes.

It was very nice action considering I wasn’t catching anything that night, until I saw the angler.  On the next cast, I hit another Catfish a tad bit larger (6 pounds).  The angler wanted the Catfish for dinner, so he bagged them up.  He walked away with over fifteen pounds of catfish nuggets, or whatever he was going to serve his family.

Right before leaving the lake, I decided to tie on a jig headed Fluke.  It only took about ten casts, but in no time, I was on two one-pound Stripers.  Popping the jig-headed Flukes off the bottom was the key.  The Stripers inhaled the flukes, and they were easily hooked and landed.  The Stripers were released as quickly as they were landed.

I noticed the Lake Patrol driving by and I waved a hello to them.  They might not have noticed me as they drove by, as there was no signal from them indicating my existence.  I know that fishing is allowed all night with a valid fishing license, so I continued on my way.  I packed up, and I proceeded to hike back up the trail I came down.

Overall, my experiences at Silverwood Lake over the past two weeks were pretty good.  Out of three trips, I was able to land on two of the nights.  I caught seven fish total (2 Catfish, 1 Crappie, & 4 Striper).  I used three different baits/lures to catch these fish (jerk baits, jig-headed Flukes, & cut Mackerel).  I honestly haven’t used cut bait in such a long time, as I have strictly relied on lures, but I now see where it can be very beneficial.

My YouTube Channel has been having a lot of success in the past couple months.  I think this is because I have been more consistent with uploading content (one video a week).  It is a lot for me, especially working a full-time job.  I feel very blessed to be doing both, but honestly feel good to help people get out there and catch.  If you have commented on my videos, thank you and have a wonderful week!  Check out my latest Silverwood Lake videos, and my bonus catch at Castaic Lake!