Silverwood Lake Fishing Hot Spots

July 10, 2020

Hello Fishing Enthusiasts!  I hope all is well with you at the moment, as well as with anything you decide to do this week.  I have been enjoying this summer by visiting Silverwood Lake, and doing a lot of night fishing.  I was able to fish four times last week and in three different locations at Silverwood Lake which included:  Cleghorn, Vista Point, and the Marina.

For last week, I was able to land 24 fish (3 Largemouth Bass, 19 Striped Bass, 1 Crappie, & 1 Catfish).  I was able to land 2 very small Striper which I’m not adding to my totals in Cleghorn.  In the Cleghorn area, I noticed that there wasn’t much action going on there, so I only spent one fishing session there.  I went to Vista Point for two fishing sessions, and I landed most of my fish there (21/24 fish).  My preferred lure to use at Silverwood Lake is a jerkbait, and at the Vista Point area all of the fish I caught were on jerkbaits.  So, in the two fishing sessions, I caught 3 Largemouth Bass weighing 1.50 lbs., 2.60 lbs., & 3.40 lbs., and the rest of the fish were Striped Bass weighing approximately 1.50 lbs. each.

The last area I was able to fish last week was the Marina area.  I usually start fishing by tying a jerkbait lure on my line and casting out anywhere from 1-50 times.  If the fish are not striking or biting, I’ll switch my lures and, in this instance, I chose to use a Rat-L-Trap Lure (1/2-ounce size).   Once I tied on a Rat-L-Trap Lure, I had one strike in about ten casts.  By casting a few more times, I was able to land a very nice Black Crappie (My 1st ever at Silverwood), as well as one Striped Bass.  As I mentioned earlier, when the fish aren’t striking my initial lure, I’ll switch lures to try and pinpoint where they are feeding/hiding out.

There was another guy fishing in the Marina area, and he kept making these noises as he was getting strikes.  He was landing small Stripers, and at one point he landed a large Catfish.  He mentioned to me that he was using a jig head.  Upon hearing this, and almost about done casting the Rat-L-Trap Lure, I decided to look in my tackle and I found a jig head with a dark minnow on it.  I tied it on, and began using it for about twenty casts.  About every two or three of these twenty casts I would start to jig it in and would get a very small strikes, but each time I went to set the hook thinking the fish was on I would get nothing.  I made another cast, and all of a sudden, I actually felt a larger tug on my line.  Immediately, I set the hook and I was able to land a Catfish weighing 6 lbs. 4 ounces.  This was surprising to me because this Catfish was actually the 1st one that I have ever landed on a jig head with 3-inch minnow.

Tip for this week:

Most of the fish I caught this week were relatively close to shore anywhere from 10-20 feet out.  Try fanning your area, so that you’re making casts from left to right, especially making cast parallel to the shore (I landed 3 Largemouth Bass this way). Good luck out there!!!

This Largemouth Bass hit a Jerkbait.
Catfish weighing 6 pounds 4 ounces caught on a jig head @ Silverwood Marina.

Fishing for Striped Bass at Vista Point Silverwood, California

July 2, 2020

Hello!  I hope you all are doing well.  Thanks for taking the time to read about my fishing adventures at Silverwood.  Since the last time I updated you on my catches, I have landed a total of 36 more Bass (1 Largemouth Bass, & 35 Striped Bass).  I have accomplished this without the use of any cut bait/live bait (anchovies, sardines, night crawlers, etc.). I am actually very proud of this because I have saved a lot of money just using lures.  I used 2 types of lures to catch these fish (jerkbait lures & top water lures).  Also, I fished in two areas this last week at Silverwood Lake.

Before I made the switch to the Vista Point location at Silverwood, I spent an additional 2 days last week fishing in Cleghorn.  I was able to land one Largemouth Bass using a jerkbait on a very windy day, and had to leave because the winds were just too much (20 mph).  I came back to Cleghorn the next day, the winds were a lot calmer and I was able to catch 5 Stripers on the same jerkbait.

I met a new fisherman who contacted me through the Fishbrain App. which basically allows fisherman to share their most recent catches with others, as well as help fisherman get connected.  I advised him to meet me at the Vista Point turnout for some fishing.  To get to the fishing spot, you first have to find the Vista Point Turnout located on Highway 138.  Once you arrive at this location, there is still a pretty long hike to get down to the lake. There are two trails that you can take to get down to the lake, and you want to find the Chamise area.  Once you locate the Chamise area, continue to hike along the shore for about 1 mile. 

As we approached the Chamise area, he revealed to me that he had not caught a fresh water fish this year.  He actually fished with me one day last week, and was able to learn a lot about techniques and strategies for catching bass.  He didn’t land any fish last week, but had several strikes and was pumped up for this new hike/fishing trip.  He bought some of the jerkbaits I had suggested, as well as brought his medium heavy fishing rod and spinning reel with 8-pound test line.  Once we reached the fishing spot, he was able to land 4 Striped Bass in 4 casts.  I was amazed with his ability to learn so quickly.  He was very thankful to me, as I was very glad to help him land his first four fish of the 2020 fishing season.  We landed over 13 Stripers together before we called it a night.

I was able to come back to the same fishing area for two additional days.  On both of these days, I was able to land my Striped Bass limits (10 Striped bass a day) all of which were given to a friend so that he could eat them with his family.  This friend is also learning how to use jerkbait lures to catch fish.  He is having a lot of success in just a short amount of time.

Here’s one thing that is always on my mind when fishing, am I going to catch a fish tonight or not?  I always have confidence in the lures that I am using because they always work, but it is easy to get frustrated when I miss strikes and can’t seem to land any fish.  I have learned that patience is the key to fishing, something that I definitely need to work on as I enjoy nature, hiking, relaxing, and accepting that catching fish is a bonus to fishing.

If you want to learn to catch fish at Silverwood Lake, I can help you.  See you out there!!!

Fishing for Bass at Cleghorn Silverwood, California

So for the past week (4 days total), I have been fishing at Cleghorn, Silverwood.  For anyone reading this, it’s important to notice that Silverwood does not close to fishing because the park gates close at a certain time.  Fishing is permitted all night, if you make the hike in and most importantly that you have in your possession a valid fishing license.

Most of the fish I caught last week were Stripers (over 20 were caught) on mostly jerkbaits.  I am learning that glide swim baits also get strikes when targeting Striper (1 caught on the glide swim bait), as well as top water lures (1 landed).  I caught four Stripers on a Rattle Trap lure, which basically targets fish sitting/swimming directly on the bottom.  I also caught Largemouth Bass, with these lures as well.

The Largemouth Bass that I landed were caught on jerkbait lures, as well as topwater lures.  (2 on jerkbait lures & 2 on topwater lures).  I am relatively new to fishing topwater lures.  I was able to find a topwater lure stuck in between some rocks on the shore, and by adding new treble hooks to it, I was able to have some success with it.  The blow ups were insane, as I was bringing the topwater lure back into the shore after each cast, I noticed that most fish would follow it and attempt/strike the lure (most of which I missed), and in most cases I didn’t feel the strike, but could tell fish were near it or following it.

Overall, I had a wonderful time fishing in Cleghorn.  The highlight for me this week was catching one Striper on a glide swim bait lure, as well as landing 3 fish on the topwater lure that I found.  I share all of my catches with you out there to help you land more fish.  My goal is to help anyone who wants to learn more about fishing in general, as well as land their limits of fish at Silverwood Lake.  As always, if you have any questions or comments, please contact me so we can chat.  Have a wonderful week out there on the lakes you choose to fish!

Cleghorn, Silverwood-Catching Striped Bass, Largemouth Bass, and Cat Fish


Last night, a friend and I went fishing at Cleghorn, Silverwood.  I haven’t been to Cleghorn in about two years, as I know that the last time I did I assisted my 8-year-old daughter in catching 8 Rainbow Trout, a day she will always remember because she caught more than her daddy.  At first, I was a bit hesitant to select Cleghorn for fishing because of two reasons:  it’s been so long that I’ve been there, and I have been having a lot of success in other more familiar places at Silverwood.

With that on my mind, I also knew that to become a better well-rounded fisherman, I need to have more challenges that push me to the limit.  This was a good opportunity for me to try the lures that I have been consistently using and catching on in this new area.  Once we parked the car near the Vista Point turn out on Highway 138, we hiked about 1 to 1½ miles down the side of a hill to get to our destination.  We passed all kinds of people fishing, and since I am rather friendly, I spent time with some of those fishermen talking and sharing knowledge about what works for me and how to catch more fish.

Since there wasn’t a lot of places available to fish, we kept on hiking the shore until we got a little further away from most of the people at the lake.  So, from about 6 PM-8PM, my buddy and I fished and really didn’t have much success.  I know that my buddy caught a Cat fish during that time, but I maybe had about two bites, not much success at all.  The park ranger came by in his boat and announced that the entrance/exit to the lake would be closed at 9 PM.  I mention this because when you hike into the lake, the lake is open all night, as well as the fact that usually at this time the lake activity drastically begins to die down.

Once the lake activity died down, it was on!!!  I was able to land 9 Striped Bass, and one Largemouth Bass from 9-11 PM on a good old fashion jerkbait.  Once I caught my 10th Striper, I knew that I reached my limit for the day, and I could only target others types of fish.  Most of the fish I caught were about 30-40 feet out from the shore and weighed anywhere from 1 ½ to 2 pounds.  I kept getting a short strike on my jerkbait casting parallel to the shore about 20 feet out.  I continued to cast in this one area because I wanted to catch a bigger Largemouth Bass.

Surprisingly, I landed a nice Largemouth Bass weighing 3 pounds 12 ounces (My New Personal Best) to basically finish the night.  I used two different jerkbaits on all of my catches this night.  I learned that patience is key as the bite did not start right away, but approximately took about two hours into my fishing journey.  The spot we choose was further away from most other people, and since I’ve never basically fished there before, I also learned to keep “the hope” that it would produce.  I’m glad we stayed because my buddy caught his Striper limit too, as well as a 5 ½ pound Catfish on a Texas rigged creature bait.  Overall, we landed 23 fish altogether:  20 Striped Bass, 1 Catfish, & 2 Largemouth Bass.

Please do me a favor, and go out and buy some jerkbaits to use on any of your future fishing trips.  If you need any advice, please contact me at my Gmail account.  Let’s Go!!!

This stringer has 20 Striped Bass and one Cat Fish. Fish On!!!

Silverwood Bass Fishing-Miller’s Canyon to Marina


Last night, a friend and I went to Lake Silverwood, California.  We parked our vehicles at a turnout on Highway 138, and prepared to hike down to Miller’s Canyon.  Usually, we pack very light because the hike can be strenuous.  This particular hike is something we have done over five times in the month of May, and our first for the month of June and usually takes about 15-20 minutes to get into Miller’s Canyon from the highway.

Once we designated a spot to start fishing, I usually begin by walking and fishing the shore until I get a nibble or strike.  On this particular day, I began fishing with a jerk bait on my usual 6-foot, 6-inch rod and spinning reel with 8-pound test line.  The jerk bait is my go-to bait at this lake because I know that if I continue to cast my chances of getting a fish to strike increase, or that is what I believe, or I tell myself until I do get a strike.

On a good note, for the month of May I have recorded 58 catches at Lake Silverwood.  These catches include different types of fish:  Catfish, Striped Bass, and Largemouth Bass, all caught on the same jerk bait.  I know that sounds weird to most fisherman that I can catch Catfish on a jerk bait, but believe me, Catfish are super aggressive in this body of water.

For some reason, I was not having any action on my rod for about 60-70 casts.  On that 71st cast though, I was able to land a small Striped bass.  Miller’s Canyon has not been producing a lot of fish for me lately.  I know that my last outing there only produced a relatively large Bluegill, but I was able to avoid “the skunk.”  With not much fishing action going on, my buddy and I decided to hike to the Marina area to try and catch some more fish.

Once in the Marina, I switched my jerk bait to a Rattle Trap lure.  I only did this because I noticed that the fish weren’t necessarily striking my jerk bait, letting me know that the fish may not be on or just below the surface of the water.  The Rattle Trap Lure tends to sink to the bottom of the lake, basically allowing me to cover more water.  Within roughly 10 casts, I was able to land a small Largemouth Bass (3/4 pound).  I took a few photos of it, and released it rather quickly.

I had a really awesome night on my fishing journey.  The Park Ranger pulled up and stated, “License Check,” as to which I responded, “Yes sir!”  I provided my License and he responded, “How was the hike in?”  I responded, “Strenuous, but worth it.”  As he entered his vehicle, he responded, “You have a good night.”

My buddy and I wrapped up our fishing gear and hiked back up to the highway.  My search for larger bass has just begun…See you out there!!!!!!

Great Catch at Silverwood

Large Mouth Bass

Today I went fishing at Silverwood Lake in California. I hiked backed in to Vista Point, which is by the Silverwood Lake entrance. From where I parked, it is about a mile to get to where I fished. This is due to the fact that the lake entrance is currently closed, however you are allowed to walk in and fish. Lately I have been fishing in the late evening and into the night, but today I went mid day. This catch occurred at about 3PM. This catch is about my 12th Bass since the end of March. Honestly I have never caught this many Bass ever.

Using a Jig

I typically use jerk bait when fishing for Bass or Striper. Today I used a jig. I was also using 8lb test line on a medium trout rod with a spinning reel. I probably casted about 5 times letting the jig bounce off the bottom as I reel it in slowly and steadily. On this 5th cast, I felt a tug and immediately set the hook. Bam! It was about a 3 pounder. After weighing it, I released it. I am always looking for new products and strategies to use, so comment below and share your ideas. Please see video and pic below.

3lb Large Mouth Bass caught at Silverwood Lake in California.
Check out this video:

Hello World!


Today, May 10, 2020, is the first day I began my blogging journey. Fishing is a sport I have grown to love. This blog is just an opportunity for me to share my fishing adventures with others who also love the sport of fishing. I look forward to sharing my experiences with you as well as hearing from others about theirs. Happy Fishing!