Best Spinning Reel (In My Opinion) Comes Through at Mojave Narrows, Ca.

Yesterday, I spent the day at Mojave Narrows fishing for trout. Although I was not having much success, I stayed persistent in my approach. I was using, what I believe to be, the best Spinning Reel. The Shimano Sustain Spinning Reel has always brought me luck. I have owned a few different ones over the years.

I started with this specific reel along with a 2 inch plastic minnow for bait. I was not having much luck, I moved locations, and eventually I tried a 1 inch plastic minnow. After a few casts, I was able to land a solid Rainbow Trout weighing about 2.5 pounds. I also utilized a garlic spray on the minnow, hoping for increased action.

Mojave Narrows Regional Park is a location I frequent often, but have not been as successful lately. Today was a good day, with persistence, determination, and reliable tackle, I was able to catch a nice one.

Searching For Striper At Silverwood Lake

Yesterday I went out with some buddies on a boat, rather than fishing from shore like I tend to do most often. I’ve been out a few times before on the same boat with the same buddy but have been skunked everytime. This time, we got out there around 8AM and the temperature was very chilly, but luckily we were dressed for the weather. The lake was pretty calm and there was not a lot of other boats.

My buddy got the first catch on a fly, using lead core line. But, that set up only yielded the one fish. So, we decided to change locations and headed to the Quarry (the rock wall, across from the dam). This proved to be a good location, because as soon as we got there I caught one. It was a five pound striper, and it was a pretty sick fight to get him in and netted.

After being on the boat many times before and never having any luck, I was a little skeptical. However, I decided to stick with my usual set up and skills I have learned and count on when fishing from shore. These skills, the gear I was wearing, and the equipment I was using, proved to be successful for me once again!

If you are interested on what I was wearing, or the equipment I was using, I will list it below. I recently became an affiliate with Amazon, so I will link the items as well. Also, don’t forget to check out my YouTube video I created from this trip at

I was wearing a gator to protect my face and neck, as well as stay warm. I was also wearing my hiking boots, jeans, and a flannel. I was using a 8 foot spinning rod similar to this one with a spinning reel similar to this one. I was also using Berkley Vanish 8lb line and a MegaBass jerkbait.

Good luck to you and happy fishing!

Trout Season


Hello Fishing Family! Trout Season is off to a good start!  Most lakes are stocking Trout, and it’s quite possible to land them on many different techniques.

Hesperia Lake California

Fishing at Hesperia Lakes a couple of weeks ago, proved to be very challenging to catch a fish.  After trying some jigs and a drop shot approach, the jig (white with an orange power worm trailer) is what I finally landed one on.  The Trout weighed about one pound, but it was the first of the season.  By throwing a drop shot for a few more casts, I put another fish on. This fish is similar to a Pikeminnow, but it is probably of the Carp family (Stench). It was caught on an orange power worm.  For most of the day, there wasn’t much action for me, but I could see that many anglers around the lake were catching.

Silverwood Lake California

Silverwood Lake was stocked with a lot of Trout into the Cleghorn area of the lake.  I really wanted to catch one there, but fishing for an afternoon session one day left me with a skunk.  On another day session of fishing, I figured I needed to try my float tube to get out a little further into the deeper water to find some.  After kicking around for an hour and using an inflated nightcrawler without getting any strikes, I found myself back on shore.  I found a spot and walked out a little bit further out from shore still wearing my waders.  This allowed me to make some nice casts out into deeper pockets of water, and believe it or not, I could see some nice Trout (about 50-100) swimming around in schools.

I tied on the mini jig I used at Hesperia Lake to catch, and I removed the orange power worm trailer.  Within a few casts, I had several strikes and landed two Trout.  By the end of the next hour, I had a total of four small Trout which were all caught and released. I was unsuccessful catching any fish from my float tube, but I stayed persistent and hit some Trout from shore.  I must admit, there were a ton of anglers with limits, or having many fish on their stringers close to their limit of five. What an awesome day out in the Cleghorn area!

Silverwood Lake CA – Cleghorn

Mojave Narrows California – Pelican Lake

Heading over to Mojave Narrows for a day fishing session yielded some nice Trout.  Jigs weren’t working, and Power Worms weren’t either.  Switching to some shad like jigs (Trout Reaperz), helped me to land a small Trout.  Since only one fish was landed, I then put on some Powerbait Mice Tails, and I immediately watched my pole tip start to bend.  The Trout seemed to be barely biting, and only one other fish was landed. My buddy caught several more fish on the Trout Reaperz shad though.

Mojave Narrows CA – Pelican Lake

Catching Trout at all of these lakes was a fun experience. As the season continues, I will look to land some larger Trout at these lakes.  Last year, I relied more on dropshotting plastics, but this year I’m making it a point to fish more with jigs.  Good luck out there Fishing Family!

Summertime Fishing Adventures


Silverwood Lake Marina

One night fishing the Marina (on June 26), I was able to land three fish all on a jerk bait.  A 2.50 lb. Largemouth Bass, a 2 lb. Catfish, & 4 lb. Largemouth Bass came out to play.  Knowing that the bite was hot, I came back two days later and focused on fishing in that same area.  I made a lot of casts in the same general vicinity, yet I didn’t even get any strikes.  As I moved to a new location, and about ready to call it a night, I was surprised when I had a strike very close to the shore about ten feet out.  Of course, I had to make a few more casts.  A nice 3 lb. Striped Bass hit my jerk bait really hard and pulled down fiercely.  I was able to land it very quickly.  Since the night was very late, I decided to hike back up to the highway and go home.

On July 2nd, there was a free fishing day being held across the state of California.  I met an angler on a social media app called Fish Brain, as well as connecting with him through YouTube.  We finally met up for a night of fishing at Silverwood Lake Marina!  The night started off really slow, until he caught a Catfish on a Nightcrawler.  What seemed like a pretty actionless night, started to take a turn with his catch.  By choosing to make a few more casts was when I was able to land a 3 lb. Largemouth Bass.  Since it was getting late into the night and the bite died down, we decided to call it a night.  Shout out to Zac W. (California Angling & Outdoors) for helping me grow my fishing passion, as well as YouTube support!

On July 7, I was able to go to Imperial Beach Pier in Southern California.  I was visiting my sister, but I brought some fishing gear to try out the pier.  My goal was to catch small fish and use it as bait to catch larger fish.  I started by catching a Sardine on a Sabiki Rig, and I sliced it up to use as bait.  With the Sardine bait, I caught a small Spanish Mackerel and then hooked it on my larger pole to use as live bait.  I didn’t have any strikes on my larger pole though.  I was also able to catch a small Pacific Mackerel, and by using it as bait I caught a small Grassy Rockfish.  I had a good two to three hours of fishing on the pier before calling it quits.

Heading back to Silverwood Lake Marina (July 10), I had quite an interesting experience with a Game Warden.  Being that I had my fishing license and driver’s license available on request, he took the extra step of calling a dispatcher to verify my information.  I’ve been checked many times, but never has a Game Warden taken this extra step.  The questions from him just kept coming too.  I’m legit, that’s all that matters to me.  As for fishing, I enjoyed the night and was trying to beat the skunk!  I was able to land a 2 lb. Striper fishing with a jerk bait lure near the Marina boat launch ramp.

On July 11th, I hiked back down to the Marina and was able to land a Largemouth Bass weighing 2.50 lbs fishing with a jerk bait.  Only one fish for the night, but it’s always a challenge to try and figure out what the fish want.  You guessed it, on July 13th, I went back to the Marina.  I steadily fished my usual areas and there was nothing going on.  Right towards the end of my session, I landed a Largemouth Bass Weighing just over 4 pounds.

On July 18th, I hiked back down to the lake to stay consistent.  I know that fishing isn’t all about catching, but what it brings to my mind, body, and soul.  Catching fish is definitely a bonus, but always makes the trip top notch by putting something on the end of the line.  I tied on a jerk bait and I kept feeling a slight thump on my line.

Now if you know anything at Silverwood Lake at night, there are bats flying around everywhere.  Since they rely on echolation to locate their food, they often fly into my fishing line causing me to get a little jumpy because I think it’s a fish.  After this happens a few times, I start to recognize the bat thump versus an actual fish striking the line.  I had another Largemouth Bass on the end of my line, and I was able to land it in the net.  It weighed exactly 3 pounds on the dot.  I released it right away for more anglers to enjoy.  I felt good that I landed a fish, but I knew I could keep going to try for more.  Just a few more casts…

I walked to another location and made a few casts.  All of a sudden, I felt a bite and I pulled back to set the hook.  The fish surfaced and made its way toward deeper water, as well as some underwater cables.  I tried my best to keep it from getting too far away from me, and as I pulled it slowly came in.  I just knew my new personal best Largemouth Bass was sitting in my net waiting to be weighed.  It came in at a whopping 6.60 lbs.  My last personal best Largemouth Bass weighed in at 6.40 lbs., and was caught 19 months ago (a year and a half)!

Never give up!  Keep on going with whatever it is you want to accomplish.  Thank you to all my fishing family.  Tight lines!

Salt Life Extended

My salt adventures began from a rented kayak in the Huntington Beach Harbor.  It was so surreal, I was fishing for the first time in the city in which I was born.  What a trip, to be padding with my feet as I tested a nice Hobie Kayak.  As we explored the fishing area, my friend and I made an effort to try jigs, jerkbaits, and finally, drop shot rigs.

I actually had one strike which I missed because I pulled my rod tip back, when I should have reeled down.  In other words, if you are ever using a circle hook when fishing, a fish will automatically hook themselves if you tighten your line and gently set the hook.  My next cast put an interesting fish on the end of my line.  A massive Bat Ray inhaled my Berkeley Gulp Mullet (4 inches).  What a catch, but I will admit I was scared.

The thought of landing the beast in a kayak was too much, and I happened to ask for assistance from the Orange County Sheriff patrolling the area in a boat.  They asked, “Do you have a Halibut or a Ray?”  I responded, “I believe it’s a Ray, but I’m not sure what to do!”  They came over and released the Ray which actually wasn’t hooked in the mouth, but the circle hook became lodged in its wing/fin during the process.  The massive fish kept me near the bottom, and I had to really pull to surface it.  Good thing I had used a 40 pound braided line to assure a good fight.  Fishing here was a good challenge as a first timer, but I also had to dig deep to try and catch something.  Shout out to my friend Erick V. for inviting me to a place I didn’t know existed!

As I headed down the southern coast from Orange County to Imperial Beach, I saw massive amounts of uninhabited coast line.  When I arrived at my destination, I immediately went to fish at the Imperial Beach Pier.  Not much of any catching went on, yet one small Jack Smelt was landed.  Throwing it back to the sea, I casted a bit more before calling it quits.  I posted a picture of the Jack Smelt on Facebook on a buddy responded, “That’s great Halibut bait!”  I cringed a little reading his response because I could of used it to catch Halibut.

The plan became to target the same area in the morning with my daughter and nephew.  There is something about having the perfect set up to catch and land a fish on the first cast of the day.  As my daughter held the rod, and as I rigged my nephew’s rod, my daughter replied, “Dad, I got one!”  She handed me the rod to land the fish.  We discovered the fish to be a Shovelnose Guitarfish.  A very large one at that, but was released back into the sea.  I still sit in amazement at the way it all went down.  That was a massive fish caught from the pier.

Two massive fish in the span of a couple of days fishing the ocean.  What a gnarly experience it was fishing the ocean from a kayak, and from a pier.

I Hate Reel Time With Timm!


Hello Fishing Family! I know it’s been quite a while since I have blogged, but I just took some time to work on myself. Working a full time job is what I put most of my time and energy into, but going fishing whenever I can is still my passion.

I want to share a story with you. On one of my recent fishing trips to Silverwood Lake, I ran into a fisherman. As we greeted one another, he let me know the day was very slow, and he got to telling me that a friend forwarded him a video of an angler catching Stripers on Topwater Lures at Silverwood Lake. I let the fisherman know that it was me.

In his excitement, he mentioned my name “Reel Time With Timm,” and his other friend heard. The other angler yelled out, “I hate Reel Time With Timm!” As I walked towards him, I calmly responded, “Why?” He stated, “You’re always catching fish!” I then asked him, “What do you think of my sharing?” He explained, ” I love that part…”

Honestly, I knew the angler was just playing. He was probably just trying to get a kick out of what he yelled out with me around. Basically, I started my YouTube Channel to help people of all ages to learn about fishing, and to be successful in it. I’m still laughing about what he said in my mind, but I will use this comment as motivation to be kinder to everyone.

It’s kind of like a love and hate relationship where in this situation the person liked me for sharing, but hated that I always catch fish… Here’s a thought- When I started fishing long ago, I never caught much. As I have developed my fishing techniques and strategies over the years, I have used all of those experiences to hook up/catch fish now. It definitely takes a lot of time to learn the many aspects of fishing, but over time it will all begin to work out. Let’s continue to fish and share what’s working out on the local lakes with each other, so that we can all prosper together.

Silverwood Lake

Fishing in the Marina, as well as at the Vista Point locations many times since the end of April was excellent. I was able to land 17 fish (5 Largemouth Bass, 1 Crappie, 1 Trout, 10 Striped Bass). All of the fish were caught on jerk bait lures, except for the Trout which was caught on a mini jig. On some of my fishing sessions, I was not able to get any strikes. Most of my sessions though, I yielded at least one catch.

Some of my highlights were catching a solid 1 1/2 lb. Crappie, and all of my Largemouth Bass catches, especially the Bass weighing in at 4.50 lbs. The Striper catches were many, but as I stated before pretty much saved me from ending my session with a skunk! Catching a fish here and there kept me very content with using jerk bait lures as my fishing technique, but on the nights I didn’t catch I realized that I needed to change my technique.

On one night, I watched the water boil in front of me. The term “boil” is used in fishing to describe what happens when larger fish are in a feeding frenzy and push smaller fish to the top of the water column. When this happens at the lake, it looks like similar to bringing a pot of water to its boiling point. I knew if I tried a lure on the surface the next time I saw this happen, I could definitely get a fish to strike. As soon as I tied on the lure, all I could feel was my rod bent over and a Striped Bass peeling the line off of my reel. I was able to land two very nice schoolie sized Striper.

On another night, when I couldn’t get any strikes on any lures fishing for Bass, I tied on a mini jig and was able to land a Trout.

Throughout all of my fishing sessions at Silverwood Lake, I had a very good time trying to make fish target my jerk bait lures. The videos below show exactly what lures were bringing in the strikes!

Deep Creek CA

This fishing adventure was a pretty cool experience. Following the stream back behind the Dam at Deep Creek brought my friends and I to some Sunfish. We were definitely looking for some Trout, that of which we did not find. Not knowing what is out there had all of us wanting to explore more. Check it out!

Hesperia Lake

Hearing of a Tilapia stock at this lake had me ready to try it out. Not fishing there since the Trout stocks ended, had me wondering what would work for Catfish or Tilapia. As I tried many hours to land a fish, I was pleasantly surprised when a fish started pulling down my bobber. The fish wanted to eat the mealworms on my hook. Check it out!

Big Bear Lake

Lastly, I traveled to Big Bear Lake to try and catch some Trout. That day was one of the tougher ones to catch. Thankfully, I was able to land one on the good ol’ Carolina Rig with powerbait.

400 Subscribers Giveaway

My Subscribers Giveaway is quickly approaching. I haven’t decided what I will give away this time, but usually it’s about 50$ worth of fishing gear. Do you know someone who would like this? If you would like to be considered for this raffle, please go to my YouTube Channel- Reel Time With Timm and comment on anyone of my videos to be entered. The Drawing will be held once I reach 450 Subscribers. Good Luck!! Have fun on your next fishing trip!!!

Fishing at it’s Finest!


Hello Fishing Family!

I hope all is well, as I am doing well at the moment.  Fishing has been fun the past three weeks.  Wow, it’s been a long time since I posted, but I spent time fishing at atleast four different lakes:  Hesperia Lake, Mojave Narrows Regional Park, Fin and Feather in Palmdale, and Silverwood Lake.

Fin and Feather (Palmdale Lake)

Fin and Feather Lake in Palmdale is a membership lake which means anglers need a membership to fish there.  Members can invite, which is how I was able to go for the day.  Luckily, my friends are members and I am very thankful for them. Fishing on a new lake for the first time is always a challenge to me, but I was up for it.

I couldn’t figure out what the Trout wanted, until my friend let me try a Hook Up Bait jig.  I put a bobber on my line right above the jig, and that’s when I got a strike.  It was a tough day to start, but as I was about to call it quits and basically leaving the lake, I noticed many anglers catching.  I used the Hook Up Bait jig again, and got in on some of the action.  The Trout stock that was put into the lake during the early hours of the day began to take off.  I called my friends to alert them to the action taking place, and we all had limits within the next hour.  What a day!

Hesperia Lake

The Trout action at Hesperia Lake has died down with the warmer weather.  I knew that if I stuck with my regular routine, I would probably get one or two.  After fishing for Trout a few hours and not even having a bite, I realized I should definitely try a minnow on a jig head.

I landed my first two pound Trout of the day on that jig.  Fishing with a drop shot rig also brought in a nice sized Trout (2 lbs.)  My day ended with Two Trout, both given away to anglers near me.  There weren’t too many Trout landed on that day across the whole lake, so my Trout fishing days there are pretty much done for the rest of this year.

If you haven’t heard, Hesperia Lake has Wipers (Hybrid Striped Bass), and Tilapia.  Now, this does give me a reason to go back and try to catch those species of fish.

Mojave Narrows Regional Park (Pelican Lake)

Getting skunked most of the day is what happened to me on this day.  I tried everything I could think of and still no strikes.  Then as I was packing up, I tied on a gold spinner which I use mostly when I’m fishing a river or stream.  All of a sudden, I landed five very small finicky Trout.  They truly would not let go of that spinner!  All of the fish were quickly released to be caught again someday.

Silverwood Lake (Cleghorn & Marina)

Fishing here has been so much fun.  Being that I fish Silverwood Lake mainly at night, it’s been quite a pleasant experience to catch my first Largemouth Bass of the year.  Hiking down into the Cleghorn area, I was able to land a three pound Bass on a jerkbait lure.  Speaking of jerkbait lures, since I caught my first Largemouth Bass of the year, I decided to keep on using it. I landed a Striper (2 lbs.), and a Trout (3 lbs.) on it as well, both on separate trips fishing at the lake.  Now the Trout I landed is the biggest I’ve caught at Silverwood Lake in over fifteen years (A Trout I landed long ago weighed nearly seven pounds in Miller Canyon).

The bite has definitely warmed up, especially by landing my first Largemouth Bass, a solid Trout, and a Striper over a series of fishing trips.  My next fishing trip started off the same as the others, but ended with a bang!  I pulled in a five pound Largemouth Bass right at the end of my fishing session.  Filled with excitement, and knowing the bite is hot had me wanting to hike down to the lake and fish a few days later.  The Largemouth Bass bite was pretty good again, as I landed two more Largemouth Bass.  This time my scale reflected Bass at four pounds and three pounds.  My latest trip yielded a four pound Largemouth Bass as well.  All the fish I caught at Silverwood Lake were safely released.  I caught a total of 19 fish over the past three weeks:  five Largemouth Bass, one Striper, and thirteen Trout.

I hope you get on the some good fish! If you ever need any tips just let me know. Fish on Fishing Family!!!

Derby Dreaming


Mojave Narrows

So I tried another chance at fishing in the month long Trout Derby at Mojave Narrows, this time at Horseshoe Lake.  My last attempt fishing the derby was at the other lake called Pelican.  I met my buddy up who was also fishing the derby, and who also fished with me the last time as well.

We were excited to fish his new jigs, as well as fishing in an area we were not familiar with (the backside of Horseshoe Lake).  The wind had begun to solidly blow and the water became super choppy, but I felt like we would at least catch something.

About two hours into fishing, I was able to get a nice strike near shore on a double drop shot pink power worm/mice tail.  Woah, my excitement was up, but I didn’t think I’d be weighing in at the 2 PM weigh in?  I didn’t get to weigh in my Trout in my last derby outing because there were none weighing over two pounds.  At the weigh in, I placed the Trout on the official scale and it weighed 7.60 lbs.  I was feeling blessed as this was the only fish I caught for the day.

I wasn’t able to hook up on my buddy’s Trout Reaperz jigs , but he made them work by landing a Largemouth Bass, as well as a Trout.  I’m getting closer as I had a few strikes on them, but I know as I trust using the jigs my strikes will only increase.

Hesperia Lake

Fishing can be such a challenge, especially when you can see Golden Trout swimming around near the shore.  If you cast right on top of them as they swim in, you’ll definitely spook them back out to deeper water.  If you cast on top of them and have on a jig they prefer, it’s more than likely you’ll have a fish on.

As I was fishing at Hesperia Lake, I started near the back of the lake by the drain, and I watched a few anglers landing Trout every other cast.  I thought it must be nice to be in a spot where Trout won’t leave your jig alone!  As for me, not even a bite.  I tried jigs, minnows, and even Powerbait, and not even a nibble.

Upon packing up, I knew I could try an area near the finger of the lake in a last ditch attempt to catch a fish.  The Golden Trout in this area were active and after about twenty casts, I landed a nice one pound Lightning/Golden Trout on a black mini jig.

Those Golden/Lightning Trout have been elusive to catch, I know this because I have only caught one other from Mojave Narrows Horseshoe Lake as well.

Silverwood Lake

Heading out to the Marina at Silverwood Lake for a night fishing session about a week ago was fun.  The weather at night hasn’t been so cold as it’s normally been.  The fishing hasn’t been the greatest in terms of catching a fish.

I appreciate the struggle and challenge of catching fish, and it’s been a few months since I last caught a Striped Bass.  The jerk bait lure is what I kept on trying, and right before I was about to leave is when I felt stuck on a rock.  Actually, it was a nice two pound Striper on the end of my line.

I spent a morning at Miller Canyon fishing from my float tube the other day.  It was quite a windy day with absolutely no bites from my float tube.  I kicked in and tried from the shore as well.  The skunk was alive that day!

Shout out to Ryan Rowe of Trout Reaperz for all the jigs and the idea he gave me for my 300 Subscribers Giveaway on my YouTube.  Check out his instagram @ Trout_Reaperz. I met some of my awesome Subscribers out there at Mojave Narrows!  I hope you all catch some nice ones soon!  Good luck out there if you decide to go fishing!  See you out there soon FAM!!!

Fishing for Trout


Float Tubing @ Miller Canyon Silverwood Lake

Float tubing through Miller Canyon was quite an experience.  The hike to get to the fishing spot there was intense because I started my hike at the Silverwood Marina.  Once I made it past all the trails into Miller Canyon, I could see the buoy line which meant I was close.

I threw on all my gear and launched, but the powerful wind began to blow me around.  There wasn’t much I could do in terms of determining my direction or positioning, except to slow myself down periodically as I kicked around.  Right at the end of my session which lasted about three hours, I felt a small tug on my medium heavy rod.  I haven’t caught many Trout on medium heavy rods, but I could feel it pulling softly.  It felt really good to finally catch something.

I had a few bites on this day, but I missed most of them.  The worms I was using were half gone when I reeled in to check.   Most of the bites were very soft strikes, or bites I could barely feel.  I knew the fish were just a bit deeper out in the middle of the lake swimming around, so I kept trying.  The float tube never fails me though because I knew I could avoid the skunk, if I put enough effort into my fishing session.

1 small Trout from Miller Canyon caught on a Nightcrawler.

Fishing at night has been non-existent for me these days.  I remember a few weeks ago during a night fishing trip when my rod was feeling tight as I reeled in the line.  When I checked to see the issue, I noticed ice on my rod tip.  I know it is impossible to fish when there’s ice forming on the guides of my rod.  I immediately packed up and left.  The weather has definitely kept me home on most nights that I am normally out and about trying to catch fish.

The only other time I was able to fish besides my float tubing trip to Silverwood Lake was at Mojave Narrows, Pelican Lake, for a Trout derby.

A campsite was where I headed to try my shot at the derby hosted by Mojave Narrows, Pelican Lake.  Most days, I only dream about camping, but since my buddy set it up to try the derby as well, I was all in.

As soon as we got up in the morning, we both tried to get on some nice ones, yet not many Trout were caught that day.  Out of the three I landed, all of the fish were under two pounds each.  I knew I wasn’t going to be weighing in, but I had a really good day fishing with different baits, and jigs.

Currently, catching a ten pounder would put an angler near the top three fish caught in the derby standings.  So weighing in anything under ten pounds really wouldn’t matter.  I would weigh a fish under ten pounds just to know how much more I need to get there, but it would have to be a Trout at about five pounds or above.  For me, the bite took off on Powerbait, as well as Power Worms.

These Trout were caught @ Pelican Lake on Powerbait & Power Worms.

My buddy is currently making new Trout fishing jigs, so we were experimenting with his new jigs.  He was able to catch several Trout on them which means success.  I will continue to try out the jigs, as he has provided me with many to try (in a variety of colors).  His company is operating under the name of Trout Reaperz!

Best of luck to you out there on your fishing adventures. Check out my fishing adventures on You Tube – Reel Time With Timm.

Fishing in February


Fishing hasn’t been so good for me in the area of catching fish.  I have been to many different local lakes in the past two weeks, and I haven’t landed many fish at all.  I still enjoy every fishing outing I go out on because being in nature seems to calm my nerves.

Fishing at Silverwood Lake one day during the afternoon was quite an adventure.  I met one of my fishing buddies up, and we both fished the Marina area with no strikes.  My buddy hadn’t been to the lake in awhile, but we steadily casted out. We didn’t catch anything, but we most definitely had a good day.

Returning to Silverwood Lake a night later to fish, also produced no strikes for me.  Fishing for Trout and Bass, the same as the day before, was challenging in that I tried many baits in the few hours I fished, but I couldn’t spark any interest with the fish.  I believe the fish are in deeper water, that’s probably why I had no strikes fishing from shore.  I may try to fish from my float tube on an upcoming trip just to target deeper water.

At Hesperia Lake fishing for Trout one day, I spent a good afternoon trying to figure out what bait would bring in some fish.  This day was a great one, but again, I had no bites.  I tried many different set ups before I headed home.

At Mojave Narrows, specifically Pelican Lake, was the only lake I could catch a fish from.  The Powerbait set-up nailed one Trout in the solid two pound range.  On another day there, I had many strikes in the morning, but I couldn’t land any as the day wore on and the bite literally died.

Overall, it’s been quite dead for me in the area of catching fish.  When I’m night fishing, I haven’t had any bites.  During my afternoon fishing sessions, I haven’t had many bites either.  In my early morning attempts to catch fish, I have had several strikes that I couldn’t hook up on.

It’s been colder at night, and the fish may have shut down on the bite, or they’re just moving around the lake.  I have been trying new spots more recently, so I’ll continue to try and figure out how to get back on some fish soon.

I’m working on my 300 Subscribers Giveaway for my YouTube Channel, I’m just not sure what to giveaway.  I want to give a special shout out to my subscribers-Thanks for watching my fishing videos designed to help you catch more fish. Until next time, fish on!

Personal Best Trout @ 8.50 lbs.


Hello Fishing Family,

Since the last time I fished in the past couple weeks, I have concentrated on fishing with a plastic minnow at Mojave Narrows Regional Park, Hesperia Lake, and Silverwood Lake.  I haven’t caught many fish, only a total of three in the past two weeks.

I can admit that my sessions at Hesperia Lake have slowed in the area of Trout action.  At Mojave Narrows, I have also been feeling the same way, there were not enough bites to go around.  I begin with my latest trip to Hesperia Lake.  I was not able to get a strike on jigs or power worms for the entire time I spent there.

Another day, I headed over to Silverwood Lake for a short night fishing session in the Marina.  I was able to avoid the skunk by using a plastic minnow (2 inch) on a jighead. A nice sized Trout picked it up off the bounce.  After fishing for two hours, I finally got my one and only fish for the night.

A few days later, I found myself back at the Marina at Silverwood Lake.  I tried to fish a few different ways including:  jigging, and casting a Rat L Trap Lure.  Nothing worked, until I placed a plastic minnow on my line.  Again, I had a very nice strike which led to a nice sized Trout being landed.

At Mojave Narrows approximately a week before today, I fished all day and never had any bites.  The time out was very soothing and relaxing to my soul, but I was trying everything to catch a fish and that was consuming my mind.  It never happened, so catching a fish was just a thought in my mind.

Traveling back to the Marina at Silverwood Lake was not a big surprise one night, as I fished I experienced not even a nibble.  I noticed the lake water on top was so very calm, not like many of the nights previously where the surface water was blown in many directions.  

My last fishing session was at Mojave Narrows yesterday.  If you have read this far, you are in for the juiciest part of my blog.  If I get skunked at a lake (I got skunked at this lake last week), I always tend to try to catch fish the next time coming back to that specific lake.

Mojave Narrows has two lakes in which you can try your luck.  I spent a lot of time at Horseshoe Lake, and I had to leave because there was no action by midday.  Heading over to Pelican Lake had me thinking, could I land something in the hour I had left?  I was trying everything.  As I placed some Powerbait on my hook, I casted my rod out about twenty feet.  My rod was in it’s holder for about one minute before it started to pull.  I pulled up and the fight was on.

I lost the fish to make a long story short.  It seemed as if the fish had total control, and I couldn’t get it in at all.  The next cast though was when it all got real.  My new personal best Trout was on and took at least six minutes to land.  The sad thing was when I focused on the realization that the first fish I lost was pulling harder.  I was comparing the bend in my rod, and the way my drag was being pulled on both of the fish.  I now know that there are beastly fish in Pelican Lake.

My personal best Trout ever caught is 20.50 pounds caught in 2013, but my biggest Trout for this year is 8.50 pounds.  I was very excited to top my last Personal best Trout for this year (From 6.50 pounds to 8.50 pounds).

As I approach three hundred subscribers on my YouTube, be sure to subscribe and comment to be considered for my raffles/giveaways.  My buddy started to make his own 2 inch plastic shad.  He hooked me up with several shad/jigs, and I will start using them to see if I can get on some fish.  I will definitely be adding some of those plastic shad to my next giveaway.  Until next time, enjoy every moment you have outdoors!!!  Fish on!